  • Server Description
    • Project Features
    • Basic information
    • Enchant chance
    • Skill setting
    • Characteristics limits
    • Raid Bosses
    • Epic Bosses
    • Quest Changes
  • Novelty
    • Mod Autofarm
    • Inventory of recipes and materials
    • Eequipment Skills Extraction
    • New Locations and Multiverse
    • Rebirth System
    • Awakening Skills
    • Monsters mutants
    • New in castles
    • Armor Enchantment
    • Collecting weapons
    • Achievements - clan quests
    • Skins or Visualization Service
    • Spellbooks and Arena Bosses
  • New Items
    • Injectors
    • Armor Sets
    • Risen Helmets
    • Jewelry
    • Left Bracelet
    • Right Bracelet
    • Talismans
    • Brooches and Stones
    • Ice weapons
    • Materials and resources
Project Features
Risen Worlds - Server with multiskill Mars x15. High Five chronicles on the new Salvation client. The main differences and features of Risen servers.
Start playing with us and discover truly new content in the world of Risen!

  • During the year of work on the server, many additions with unique ideas were implemented.
  • More than 10 new locations with thoughtful drops, monsters and raid bosses.
  • Over 15 new armor sets.
  • New talismans, helmets, jewelry, weapons, raid bosses, instances, bracelets, resources.
  • Here you can learn not only the skills of other classes, but also the effects of any equipment, the skills of Raid and Epic bosses.
  • Constant development of new content and improvement of the current one.

Basic information

  • Chronicles: High Five.
  • Servers with multi-profession (learning the skills of all available professions for one character).
  • Own client of the game from the chronicles Salvation.
  • To play you need to use the client from our site!
  • Removed from sale all set types of armor starting from D Grade. All sets can only be crafted, received by drop, quest.
  • Risen Worlds servers unique feature: equipment skills extraction.
  • Rebirth System.
  • No penalty for drop and spoil. You can get drops from mobs and RB of all levels at all character levels.
  • Removed ability to upgrade Set Dynasty. Only standard sets not tied to classes are available.
  • Removed the crafting of Masterwork gear.
  • Blacksmiths do not require recipes to craft resources.
  • In the luxury goods shop in Giran, you can buy SA from level 5 to 13.
  • The number of available game windows for one player - 2 windows.
  • Buying professions in Alt + B. Professions price:
    1. - 50.000 Aden.
    2. - 300.000 Aden.
    3. - 10.000.000 Aden.
  • Sub class without quest, taken in Alt+B.
  • Nobility is a complete quest, no reagents.
  • Global chat (!) is available from level 20.
  • In-game base in Alt+B.
  • The base stats of races have been changed and equated by character type:
    Warriors of all races412232134325
    Mages of all races224021203339

Enchant chance
  • Safe enchant +3.
  • Maximum enchant +20.
  • If enchanting with a bless scroll fails, the enchantment drops to a safe +3 instead of 0.
  • Armor and jewelry:
    • before +6 = 60%.
    • after +6 = 35%.
  • Weapon:
    • before +7 = 60%.
    • after +7 = 35%
  • Items that have a higher chance of enchanting:
    • D grade +20%.
    • C Grade +15%.
    • B Grade +10%.

Skill settings
  • The duration of all the main buffs imposed by the characters = 10 hours.
  • All songs, dances, auras, chance skills and many selfies and buffs have been transferred to passives.
  • Removed Cansel skills.
  • The maximum number of buffs applied to the character is not limited.
  • Removed all restrictions on weapons. All buffs, limits work with any weapon.
  • Robe Armor, Light Armor, Heavy Armor Mastery work with all types of armor.
  • All invulnerability skills have a cooldown of 30 minutes.
  • All types of reflective skills have been reduced by 3 times.
  • Skills like Vampiric Rage have been slightly curtailed.
  • Percent Heal skills have a static cooldown.
  • Cleanse skills have a static cooldown.
  • Added spell books: Boost Morale, Over-hit, Bless of Angel, Wind of Angel, Blessing of Queen, Gift of Queen, Blessing of Seraphim, Gift of Seraphim.

Feature Limits and Restrictions
  • The maximum number of debuffs that can be used on a target: 4
  • Number of allowed windows: 2
  • Max HP: ∞
  • Max MP: ∞
  • Max CP: ∞
  • Limit Phys. Attack: ∞
  • Limit Mage Attack: ∞
  • Limit Phys. protection: ∞
  • Limit Mage protection: ∞
  • Limit Crit Damage: ∞
  • Limit Accuracy: ∞
  • Limit Phys. Attack Speed: 4999
  • Limit Mage Attack Speed: 4999
  • Limit Run Speed: 450
  • Limit Evasion: 500
  • Limit Phys. Chance of Crit: 50%
  • Limit Mage Chance of Crit: 50%

Common Raid Boss
  • All bosses are enhanced by a specially developed formula.
  • Respawn time for all common RBs: 1-2 hours.
  • There is no level difference penalty.
  • Special Injectors have been added to the RB drop.
  • Using Injectors, you can get some boss skills.

Epic Bosses
  • All epic bosses are buffed.
  • All epic bosses are level 80.
  • Characters can learn the skills of Epic Bosses using Injectors.
Epic Boss Respawn Time:
  • Orfen - 9-10 hours (drop chance 30%).
  • Core - 9-10 hours (drop chance 30%).
  • Queen Ant - 9-10 hours (drop chance 30%).
  • Baium - 19-22 Hours (drop chance 30%).
  • Antharas - 19-22 Hours (drop chance 30%). Boss exit time 10 minutes.
  • Valakas - 19-22 Hours (drop chance 30%). Boss exit time 10 minutes.
  • Beleth - 19-22 Hours.
  • Freya - wednesday, saturday.
  • Frintezza - wednesday, saturday.
  • Zaken
    • daytime and higher - monday, wednesday, friday.
    • night - wednesday.

Quest Changes
Many quests have x5 rates. May not work for some unpopular quests.


If the initial drop chance of a quest item is not 100%, the drop amount will not be x5.
  1. Standard drop of a quest item in a quest = 60% in the amount of 1 piece.
  2. 60% is multiplied by x5. On average, a character will get 3 items with a 100% chance.

Main list with increased rates:
  • Supplier of Reagents
  • Coins of Magic
  • Rise and Fall of the Elroki Tribe
  • A Powerful Primeval Creature
  • Ghosts of Batur
  • Expulsion of Evil Spirits
  • Take Advantage of the Crisis!
  • Wings of Sand - drop x2 with a 100% chance.
  • Delicious Top Choice Meat
  • Divinity Worshipper
  • Perfect Form
  • Figuring It Out!
  • Relics of the Old Empire
  • Gather the Flames
Other quest changes:
  • Alliance with Ketra/Varka.
    • Icon Icon Level 5 amulets can be bought for Adena in the community board -> Shop -> Quests.
    • Icon Icon The number of items required to exchange for goods has been reduced by 5 times.
  • Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 1
    • Icon Ancient Parchment - number of items when opened = x4
  • Exploration of the Giants' Cave - Part 2
    • Icon Ancient Book of Giants - number of items when opened = x4
  • Icon Ancient Tome of the Demon - drop increased by 3 times.
  • Legacy of Insolence - number of items when opening papyri = x5
  • For a Good Cause - the number of quest items for exchange has been reduced by 3 times.

Autofarm mod
Works on voice command .autofarm
Commands also available:

  • .farmstart - start
  • .farmstop - stop
Rules of use:
  1. Permitted use maximum - 2 windows.
    In case of using more than two windows for one player - Ban characters!
  2. It is forbidden to drive windows on epics, sieges, tw, use healers in pvp.
System supports 5 kinds of modes:
  • War mode (melee)
  • Archer Mode
  • Mage Mode
  • Healer Mode
  • Summoner mode
General Features:
  • Adding player skills from the shortcut bar.
  • Adding / Removing used skills.
  • Assist in the party by leader target (for all modes).
  • Use skills randomly from the list (for each type of skill individually).
  • Reuse skills with a delay.
  • Control the distance from the starting point of the farm (so as not to run far).
  • Run away from monsters during melee attacks.
  • Target search distance setting.
  • Ban on the target if it is already being attacked by another player.
  • Enable/Disable melee assist attacks (for healer mode).
  • Enable/Disable leader mana regen (for healer mode).
  • Enabling/Disabling the use of summoning skills (for summoner mode).
  • Auto save all configured farming skills.
Recipe and Material Inventory
Implemented additional inventory for collecting recipes and crafting materials.
  • All new characters have an item in their inventory
    Icon Bag of Recipes and Materials.
  • The bag will automatically collect all the recipes and crafting materials from the drop and spoil.
  • You can enable this feature in .menu, line "Private inventory"
  • There are 300 slots in the bag.
  • Right-clicking on an item will open your private inventory with your drop/spoil.
  • Items from this warehouse can only be picked up, not placed.
  • When the warehouse is full, the drop and spoil will go into inventory.
  • If you have deleted the bag, enter the .privateInventory command in chat to open the bag.

Equipment Skill Extraction
On the servers of Risen Worlds, you have a unique opportunity to extract a skill from any set of armor and learn it into passive skills forever.
  1. Find NPC Blacksmith-Mage Duncan (NPC Кузнец-Маг Дункан) in the square in Giran City.
  2. For a fee, Duncan (Дункан) will transfer the passive effect from your set to the spellbook.
  3. Use the spellbook to memorize the effect of any set.

The character will receive all the characteristics of the set, as well as, depending on the grade of the set, an additional boost for each learned skill:
  • Sets up to S84 increase defense in PvP
  • D Grade - Max HP +3%, PVE damage +1%
  • С Grade - Max HP +3%, PVE damage +1%
  • B Grade - Max HP +3%, PVE damage +2%
  • A Grade - Max HP +3%, PVE damage +2%
  • S Grade - Max HP +4%, PVE damage +3%
  • Dynasty Grade - Max HP +4%, PVE damage +3%
  • S80 - Max HP +5%, PVE damage +4%
  • S84 - Max HP +5%, PVE damage +4%
Removing negative effects from set skills:
  • For set upgrade books, you can remove the negative effect of an armor set.
  • For example, the Elven Mithril Robe Set has an effect that takes away INT-1.
  • After upgrading, the -1 INT effect will be removed.
  • Additionally, HP and PVE parameters will be increased by +2%.
  • Skill improvement NPC Jenny in Giran city.
  • Set Upgrade Books can be obtained from new and multiverse locations.

New Locations and Multiverse
In addition to new locations, you can visit the territory multiverse.
  • Multivers - these are the so-called "parallel" locations.
  • These can be both locations from old chronicles with a full set of monsters and raid bosses, as well as modified locations with enhanced monsters.
  • An unlimited number of players can be in the multiverse, all characters interact with each other without restrictions. In simple words, this is a common instance.
  • Exit from multiverse locations via soe or character relog.
  • Rebirths are required to enter the multiverse locations. Each location has a different number.
  • Access to all locations is available using a teleport in the Community Board -> New/Multivers.
  • After teleporting, find the Multiverse NPC Portal.
  • After a successful login, you will be transferred to the selected location.
  • The exit from the multiverse is available from a similar NPC.
  • Do not leave the territory of the chosen universe too far, otherwise you will be killed by unknown spirits.

A complete list of new or changed locations. Starting from simple to complex.
  1. Mithril Mine - enhanced monsters. This is where the Legendary Dynasty is created.
  2. Abandoned village - the first test for your character. Powerful monsters with Dark Eternal recipe drops. At the arch you can meet RB Amaskari (resp 1-2 hours).
  3. Frozen Labyrinth - drop the necessary resources for crafting and exchanging Ice Weapon recipes.
  4. Fairy Settlement - very strong monsters. Drop recipes and materials for crafting Hell armor.
  5. Gardens of Genesis - visit the beautiful gardens to create the jewelry of Hell, the talisman of Magmeld, get books to improve set skills rank S, and also challenge the new draft Raid Bosses.
  6. Seed of Hellfire - drop materials to create a talisman of Hellfire, exchange of recipes for crafting Metal Armor.

List of Multiverse Location.
  1. Antharas Lair - classic location from the Interlude chronicles.
  2. Stakato V2 - enhanced version of the location with a drop of silver fangs and Stakato armor recipes.
  3. Hell Catacombs - more drop stones, stronger monsters. Materials for crafting Risen jewelry.
  4. New Elven Fortress - there are a lot of monsters inside, the drop from which is elven coins for crafting a talisman.
  5. Ivory Tower Crater - drop D, C books to improve set skills.
  6. The Enchanted Valley - drop B books to improve set skills.
  7. The Primeval Isle - drop A books to improve set skills.

Rebirth System
The rebirth system allows you to strengthen your character, his stats and characteristics.

This system allows you to increase your character's basic stats, such as STR, DEX, WIT, INT, CON, MEN, as well as Phys. Mag. protection and more.

How it happens and why:

  • Each rebirth requires different items - armor pieces, weapons, quest items, enchants, and more.
  • After rebirth, your level is reset to 1.
  • For each rebirth, a reward is given -
    Icon Rebirth Coin in the amount of 1 piece.
  • Rebirth Coin is not transferable.
  • With the Rebirth Coin you can:
    • Learn special skills.
    • Buy tickets to enter instances.
    • Use to extract equipment skills.
    • Use in collecting weapons.
  • Skills to increase rates for Drop, Spoil, Adena, Exp increase to 10 skill lvl, maximum +50% to increase.
  • From the 3rd to the 21st rebirth, an additional reward is given-
    Icon Rebirth Book in the amount of 1 piece.
  • With the Books of Rebirth, you can increase your character's stats and Phys. Mag. Protection.
  • STR, DEX, INT, WIT, MEN, Phys. and Mag. defense increase to lvl 5 skill, maximum +5 points to the stat / + 10% defense.
  • CON increases to 4 lvl skill, maximum +4 units to status.
  • Maximum number of Books of Rebirth - 19.
  • Limiting the issuance of books to 21 rebirths eliminates the endless race of rebirths.
  • There are 56 rebirths available in total.
  • To enter some instances and multiverse locations, you need a certain number of rebirths.
To be reborn, you need to open the rebirth menu in the community board and press the corresponding button "Rebirth".
If all requirements are met, your level will reset to 1 and you will receive rewards.


To see a list of possible skills to learn for Icon Coins and Icon Books of Rebirth, click the corresponding button "Skill List".

Skills for Books of Rebirth:
  • Increase STR, DEX, INT, WIT, CON, MEN, Phys. and Mag. protection.
  • Icon

    Rebirth Coin Services:
    • Increasing the rates of Drop, Spoil, Adena, Exp.
    • Extracting skills from special sets of armor from NPC Oliman, located in Giran Square.
    • Collecting the Weapons Collection from NPC Kegor (Кегор), located in Giran Square.
    • Purchasing tickets to enter instances through NPC Instance Portal in Giran.

Awakening Skills
Upon reaching 21 rebirths, it is possible to learn new skills - Awakening Skills, the peculiarity of which is their binding to a certain type of weapon or armor.
  • To learn skills, you need to find an NPC Hero Duelist (Герой Duelist).
  • NPC The Duelist hero is on a secret floor in the Ivory Tower.
  • You can get to the secret floor in Ivory Tower through NPC Getekeeper Neith.
  • NPC Getekeeper Neith located near the temple in the city of Giran.
  • Only a character with 21 or more rebirths can enter.
  • To acquire Awakening Skills, you need Blue Scroll.
  • Blue Scroll obtained by dismantling books to improve set skills.
  • Parsing items in the community board -> Craft -> Parsing items -> Improvement books.
There are currently 33 Awakening Skills available for study:
  1. Awakening Skill: Great Weapon Mastery
    • Mag. Atk. +24%, Magic Power skills +3%.
  2. Awakening Skill: Greater Magic Armor Mastery
    • When wearing magic armor, Max. HP +15%, P. Def. Def. +21%, M. Def. Def. +15%.
  3. Awakening Skill: Feoh's Defense Mastery
    • When equipping the symbol M. Atk. +5%, MP Recovery Bonus +20%, Critical Power. Atk. mag. skills + 3%, power magic. skills +3%.
  4. Awakening Skill: Grand Master Magic
    • When wearing magical armor, M. Atk. +6% chance of M. Def. Crete. Atk. +6%. Additionally INT +2.
  5. Awakening Skill: Volcanic Destruction
    • Attacks with magic the target and enemies on the way to it, igniting them. Power 431. For 10 sec. Mag. Def. -20%. The rollback is static.
  6. Awakening Skill: Ice Destruction
    • Attacks the target with magic, dealing elemental water damage. Power 431. For 10 sec. Mag. Def. -20%, Speed -40%. Overhead is possible. The rollback is static.
  7. Awakening Skill: Whirlwind Destruction
    • Attacks the target and surrounding enemies with magic, dealing wind elemental damage. Power 431. For 10 sec. Mag. Def. -20%. Overhead is possible. The rollback is static.
  8. Awakening Skill: Stone Destruction
    • Attacks the target with magic, dealing elemental earth damage. Power 431. For 10 sec. Mag. Def. -20%, protection against all elements -25. The rollback is static.
  9. Awakening Skill: Breath of Death
    • Within 15 sec. every second HP -537. The rollback is static.
  10. Awakening Skill: Roar of Death
    • Attacks nearby enemies and pushes them away from the character, inflicting Mage. damage. Power 259. Cooldown is static.
  11. Awakening Skill: Hellbound
    • Lifts the target into the air and immobilizes. The rollback is static.
  12. Awakening Skill: Last Flash
    • Attacks enemies around the character and inflicts a mage. damage. Power 221. Additionally stuns enemies and knocks down their target. Moves back. The rollback is static.
  13. Awakening Skill: Mega Strike
    • Attacks the enemy. Power 61252. Requires sword/blunt weapons/polearms/knuckles/dual blunt weapons/dual swords. Overhead is possible. Possible crit. hit. Ignores shield defense. The rollback is static.
  14. Awakening Skill: Powerful Bombardier
    • Attacks the enemy. Power 63802. Knocks down the enemy for 3 sec. Requires sword/blunt weapons/polearms/knuckles/dual blunt weapons/dual swords. Overhead is possible. Possible crit. hit. Ignores shield defense. The rollback is static.
  15. Awakening Skill: Energy Burst
    • Attacks enemies, dealing additional damage. Power 33864. Stuns enemies for 2 sec. and cancels the target. Requires sword/blunt weapons/polearms/knuckles/dual blunt weapons/dual swords. Overhead is possible. Possible crit. hit. The rollback is static.
  16. Awakening Skill: Giant Strike
    • A powerful punch to the ground, knocking down nearby enemies for 5 seconds. Requires sword/blunt weapons/polearms/knuckles/dual blunt weapons/dual swords. The rollback is static.
  17. Awakening Skill: Throw Hurricane
    • Throws yourself at the enemy, attacks with a shoulder and stuns for 3 seconds. Requires sword/blunt weapons/polearms/knuckles/dual blunt weapons/dual swords. The rollback is static.
  18. Awakening Skill: Jump Attack
    • Attacks the target and surrounding enemies while jumping. Power 30402. Also for 5 sec. Speed -180. Requires sword/blunt weapons/polearms/knuckles/dual blunt weapons/dual swords. Overhead is possible. Possible crit. hit. The rollback is static.
  19. Awakening Skill: Greater Dagger Mastery
    • When using a dagger, P. Def. Atk. +25%, P. Def. Accuracy +8. Additionally STR +2.
  20. Awakening Skill: Greater Light Armor Proficiency
    • When wearing light armor, Max. HP +10%, P. Def. Evasion +5, Chance to gain P. Def. Crete. Atk. -15%.
  21. Awakening Skill: Blood Step
    • Attacks at a vulnerable point. Power 83405. Deals 931 damage. damage per second by bleeding. Possible crit. hit. Overhead is possible. Requires dagger/daggers. The rollback is static.
  22. Awakening Skill: Claws of Decadence
    • Attacks nearby enemies. Power 30916. For 5 sec. Speed -10%. Requires dagger/daggers. The rollback is static.
  23. Awakening Skill: Max Ultimate Evasion
    • For 15 sec. Phys. Evasion +40, M. Def. Def. +100%, P. Evasion skills 50%. Requires Dagger.
  24. Awakening Skill: Angel of Death
    • For 15 sec. physical power. skills +100%, P. Def. Accuracy +10, P. Def. Evasion +1. Requires dagger/daggers.
  25. Awakening Skill: Jaw Strike
    • Inflicts a powerful blow on the enemy and knocks them down for 2 seconds. Requires dagger/daggers. The rollback is static.
  26. Awakening Skill: Chain Strike
    • Pulls the selected target to the character and provokes the character to attack. Requires a shield. The rollback is static.
  27. Awakening Skill: Galaxy Chain
    • Swings the chain to attack nearby enemies with 25756 power added to P. Def. Atk. and hold them for 5 seconds. Possible critical hit. The rollback is static.
  28. Awakening Skill: Spiked Shield
    • Allows you to reflect 10% damage for 10 seconds. Requires a shield. 50% chance to reflect negative effects and send them back to the enemy. The rollback is static.
  29. Awakening Skill: Shield Charge
    • Attacks an enemy with a shield. Power 10821. Requires a shield. Also reduces P. Def. enemy by 10%, P. Evasion by 6, P. Def. Crete. Atk. on 10%. The rollback is static.
  30. Awakening Skill: Greater Sword/Mastery Weapons
    • When using a one-handed sword/blunt weapon: +2 STR, +205 P. Def. Atk., +10% P. Def. PvE damage.
  31. Awakening Skill: Great Shield Mastery
    • Provides shield protection against attacks from all directions. Shield block chance +100%. Shield Defense +100%. Bow/Crossbow Attack Resistance +10%. STR +2.
  32. Awakening Skill: Shield Pulse
    • Attacks the target and enemies in front of the character with a shield, pushing them back a short distance. Power 28472. With a certain probability, cancels the enemy's target. Requires a shield. The rollback is static.
  33. Awakening Skill: Shield Strike
    • Attacks the enemy. Power 55227. Stuns for 5 seconds, additionally blocks a normal attack. Requires a shield. Overhead is possible. Possible crit. hit. The rollback is static.

Monsters mutants
Mutants - these are monsters strengthened several times.
  • Can appear from level 20 with a 10% chance.
  • Divided into grades - the higher the level, the stronger the mutant.
  • Title with a description of the grade.
  • Grades are also shown as yellow stars above the monster's head.
  • Mutants have enlarged heads.
  • They have sharpened weapons.
Drop from mutants:
  • Main drop is Icon Mutagen.
  • Increased amount of Exp, SP, drop and spoil.


New in castles
Change for the following locks:
  • Aden, Goddard, Rune, Giran, Dion.
  • All Guards have been buffed.
The owners of the listed castles can visit the instance location - Abandoned Fortifications.
  • Drops in the instance Icon Castle Coin.
  • Castle Coins can be spent at NPC Courtier.
List of goods:
  1. Castle dish
  2. Ether
  3. Blessed enchented scrolls
  4. Golden Apiga
  5. Gigant Codex
In each of these castles, you can purchase a certain dish, food or drink that temporarily strengthens your character.
  • Icon Aden
    • Fried chicken cooked in Aden Castle.
    • Phys., Mag. Defense +2%
  • Icon Goddard
    • Crispy baguette cooked in Goddard's castle.
    • Increases MEN by +2
  • Icon Rune
    • Sweet Pie made in Rune Castle.
    • Increases HP +5%
  • Icon Giran
    • Fresh Milk is prepared in Giran Castle.
    • Increases running speed by +6
  • Icon Dion
    • Cheese prepared in the castle of Dion.
    • Increases Accuracy and Evasion by +5

Armor Enchantment
Any piece of armor of S grade and above - Helmet, Gloves, Boots, Top and Bottom of the armor can be enchanted using enchantment stones.
  • There are 3 types of enchantment stones.
  • After installing the stone, you will always get 2 effects - the main and additional.
  • Armor enchant stones are not suitable for enchanting jewelry!

Types of stones:
Icon Amber - drop from level monsters 76+
Icon Bloodstone - drop from RB 76+
Icon Aquamarine - drop from all epics, instances of Zaken, Freya, Frinteza.
  • Additional effects for all types of stones are the same.
  • More than 50 random effects: from simple - like +30 to defense, to special - like active / passive Might / Empower.
Main Effect Limit:
  • 2 identical effects do not stack/do not work at the same time.
  • Example, if you get P. Def. while wearing gloves. Atk + 2%, and in the helmet the effect of P. Def. Atk + 3%, then your character will receive an increase of only + 3%.
  • You can always see the type of effect in the skills or in the armor itself.
The difference between the stones from each other lies in several skills that can only be obtained from a certain stone.

Icon Amber:

  • P./M. Atk. +1 to +3%
  • P./M. Def. +1 to +3%
  • Elemental Resistance/Elemental Attack +30 to +50 points
Icon Bloodstone:
  • XP and SP bonus from +2% to +10%
  • Drop and spoil bonus from +2% to +10%
  • Damage in PvE from +1% to +5%
Icon Aquamarine:
  • Damage taken in pvp from -1% to -5%
  • Random stat from +1 to +2(STR, WIT, etc.)

Collecting weapons
Similarly, to extract equipment skills, you are available a unique opportunity to get useful passive skills for the character for collecting collections of weapons.

NPC Kegor (Кегор) collects many objects from all over the world Aden. He lacks some items, bring him them and he will generously reward you.

  1. Find NPC Collector Kagor (Коллекционер Кегор) on the square in the city of Giran.
  2. Collect all types of weapons of a certain grade and exchange them for useful skills.
List of skills for various collections:
Icon Collection of S grade weapons
  • Physical. Attack +15%
  • Mag. Attack +30%
  • CON +5
  • Icon Collection of Dynasty weapons
  • All base stats +2
  • Attribute Damage +300
  • 5% chance to reflect buffs/debuffs
  • Icon Collection of Icarus weapons
  • STR, INT +7
  • Power of physical. magician. Crete +15%

  • Achievements - clan quests
    Clan Quest.

    It is always nice to receive gifts, especially just for nothing or for something ordinary - killing monsters or RB, gaining new levels or participating in the battles of the Olympiad and castle siege.
    It is in order to please the players and give gifts for everyday actions that a system of rewards for achievements has been introduced -
    Clan Quest.
    As a reward for completing these missions, you will receive a lot of useful things - event coins, potions and soul/spirit charges, gems, various runes and many skins.
    Clan Quest can only be completed while in a clan, otherwise you will not be able to receive rewards - the status of completing the task will not progress.

    In order to open the clan mission menu service, you need to click on the "Clan Quest" icon in the lower right corner of the game screen.
    In the window that appears in the lower left corner, check the box "Not Allowed Mission". This way you will be able to see all the available and not available tasks for completion.

    • clan quest icon.jpg
      - Clan Quest menu icon.
    • not allowed mission.jpg
      - "Not Allowed Mission" - displays unavailable tasks.
    click clan quest.jpg

    Menu Tabs.
    By clicking on the tabs at the top of the menu, you will see the lists of missions and the status of their completion.

    • general.jpg
      - "General" - a tab that displays simple one-time and recurring tasks.
    • intensive.jpg
      - "Intensive" - a tab that displays advanced tasks.
    • achievement.jpg
      - "Achievement" - a tab that displays one-time tasks of long progress.
    • event.jpg
      - "Event" - a tab that displays tasks available only during events.

    Mission Features:
    • once.jpg
      - Once - performed by the character only once and will no longer be available after receiving the reward.
    • repeat.jpg
      - Repeat - performed by the character many times, each time receiving a reward for the task.
    odnorazovie i povtoryauschiesya.jpg

    Mission Availability Terms:

    usloviya dostupnosti missii.jpg

    Mission Completion Conditions:

    usloviya zaversheniya missii.jpg

    Mission Status.
    The quest status displays the progress of your character's missions.
    Mission Status:

    • progress.jpg
      - mission progress, shows the number of correctly completed completion conditions.
    • not allowed.jpg
      - "Not Allowed" - this mission is not available due to non-compliance with the conditions of availability.
    • reward available.jpg
      - "Reward Available" - mission accomplished, collect reward.
    status missii.jpg

    To receive a reward after completing a mission, you need to select the mission in the status of which it says "Reward available", then click on the "Reward" button on the right side of the menu.
    Award buttons:

    • give reward knopka.jpg
      - "Reward" - by clicking this button you will receive the rewards displayed above for the completed mission.
    • unavailable to accept knopka.jpg
      - "Unavailable to accept" - you can see this button in unfulfilled missions.

    In some missions, you can also receive clan reputation points and character fame as a reward.

    Skins or Visualization Service

    If you are tired of the monotonous appearance of the character, but top clothes are top clothes and you cannot change them due to set bonuses, enchant, attribute and LSs inserted into them - change it with skin!

    Skin (translated from English skin - "skin" or "wrap") - this is the design of the character - the appearance of his clothes, weapons and accessories.
    Skins are purely aesthetic - they in no way increase the abilities of the character and do not affect the outcome of the game, they only change the appearance of the character.

    All currently available skins on the server are available for purchase with Coins of Luck (CoL).
    But you can also get some of them for free as a reward for achievements, which can be viewed in the 'Mission' menu, located in the lower right corner of the game screen. In the window that appears, select the 'Achievements' tab and check the 'Missed' box in the lower left corner.
    Read more about the achievements service in another topic.

    With the help of skins you can transform your character:

    • put on a pretty dress or suit, which will make him look elegant and cute
    • put on armor with a helmet display on your head to look like a tough powerful knight
    • dress it up in honor of such parties as, for example, Halloween or New Year
    • cosplay the Musketeer, Robin Hood, Zaken and other well-known characters
    • make it funny and unusual - express individuality
    1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg

    The range of skins is quite large and will be supplemented over time.
    Everyone will find something special for themselves, reflecting their character.)

    To put a skin on a character after purchase, you need to fulfill the conditions:

    • For armor skins:
      • the character is wearing 4 elements of clothing - top, bottom, gloves, boots (not necessarily a set)
    • For weapon skins:
      • the character is wearing a weapon of the appropriate type for the skin
    • For cloak skins:
      • any cloak is worn on the character
    • For shield skins:
      • the character is wearing a shield or sigil
    • For accessory skins:
      • for skins of accessories for 2 slots, any accessory that occupies 2 slots is used (Santa Claus's hat, Halisha's diadem, Freya's diadem, etc.)
      • for skins of accessories for 1 upper slot, any accessory that occupies 1 upper slot is used (cat/rabbit/raccoon ears, fairy antennas, hairpins, etc.)
      • for skins of accessories for 1 lower slot, any accessory that occupies 1 lower slot is used (carnival mask, white/black mask, etc.)
      • It is allowed to use two types of skins for accessories at the same time - occupying the upper and lower slots separately (for example, mask + ears)

    I want to see and buy soon!..
    Where are the skins located?

    You can find the skin purchase service in the Alt+B community, the button is in the upper right corner of the menu - 'DONATE'

    press donatejpg.jpg

    In the menu that appears there are as many as 2 buttons with the title 'Skins'

    press skins.jpg

    On the right is a list of skin types, all lines are buttons, when you click on which you can see the list of skins you have selected. There are 5 in total:
    • Armor Scins List
      • armor scins list.jpg
    • Weapon Scins List (is under construction)
      • weap scins list.jpg
    • Shield Scins List
      • shield scins list.jpg
    • Cloak Scins List
      • cloak scins list.jpg
    • Accessories Scins List
      • access scins list.jpg

    Skins with red highlighting - unpurchased skins.
    Skins with
    green highlighting - purchased skins.
    Skin without highlighting - selected skin for viewing the price.


    • krugovaya strelka.jpg
      - rounded arrow - button 'Try on', that is, see for 5 seconds how the skin looks on your character.
    • zamok zakrit.jpg
      - lock closed - unpurchased skins
    • zamok otkrit.jpg
      - lock open - purchased skins
    • knopka buy.jpg
      - Buy - button, when you click on which you buy the skin.
    • knopka use.jpg
      - Use - the button appears after purchasing the skin, by clicking on which you put the skin on the character.
    • knopka enable.jpg
      - Enable - a button in the menu of purchased skins (My Skins), by clicking on which you will put the skin on the character.
    • knopka disable.jpg
      - Disable - button in the menu of purchased skins (My Skins), by clicking on which you will remove the skin from the character.
    my shield skins.jpg

    In order to see the price of the skin, you need to click on the icon of the item you are interested in.
    After clicking on the icon, the price will appear at the top of the window.

    press icon.jpg

    press icon - view price.jpg

    Here, in principle, is all you need to know about the service and menu skins.

    Spellbooks and Arena Bosses
    Spellbooks and RB Arenas!

    So that the game does not seem monotonous and boring, where everything is already pumped, farmed and sharpened, new spellbooks have been introduced especially for our players, having acquired which you will open up new opportunities to strengthen the character.
    But getting them will not be so easy and simple, because they are mined from the summoned
    RB Arena.
    RB Arena — these are summonable monsters, the appearance and skills of which are similar to the available types of character transformations in the game. All Arena monsters are lvl 85.
    The summon system is divided into stars, similar to the monsters Mutants. The more stars, the stronger the summoned monster.
    1 star - rather weak, Red 5 stars - able to destroy the most powerful player in 1 crit.

    Location of RB Arena.

    The NPC to summon the RB Arena is located at the Monster Racetrack (also called MDT or MRT).
    You can get to this location for free from the NPC Gatekeeper in any large city.
    Talk to the NPC Gatekeeper and click on the appropriate line in the dialogue, after which your character will be at the Monster Race Track.

    Gatekeeper Clarissa.jpg
    Teleport arena & MRT.jpg

    Once at the Monster Racetrack, find NPC Arena Manager.


    At the NPC Arena Manager, we are interested in the first 3 lines in the dialogue:
    • Summon Monsters
    • Buy Book of summoning
    • Exchange Books
    Arena Manager .jpg
    Arena Manager chat 0 0.jpg

    Dialog window "Summon Monsters".
    It displays the monsters that can be summoned, the conditions for the appearance and the requirements for summoning.
    Summon requirement: Book of summoning N Star.
    Monster spawn condition: random from the total number listed under the N star.

    Arena Manager chat 1.jpg
    Arena Manager chat 1 0.jpg

    In order to summon an Arena monster, you need to buy a Summoning Book, depending on which monster you want to summon.

    Arena Manager chat 2.jpg
    Arena Manager chat 2 1.jpg

    Summoning Book Cost:

    Alternative price
    Book of summoning 1 Star icon.jpg
    Book of summoning 1 Star
    RBBC icon.jpg
    Raid Boss Blood Clot x2
    Adena icon.jpg
    Adena x182,000,000
    CoL icon.jpg
    CoL x16
    Book of summoning 2 Star icon.jpg
    Book of summoning 2 Star
    RBBC icon.jpg
    Raid Boss Blood Clot x4
    Adena icon.jpg
    Adena x295,001,000
    CoL icon.jpg
    CoL x26
    Book of summoning 3 Star icon.jpg
    Book of summoning 3 Star
    RBBC icon.jpg
    Raid Boss Blood Clot x4
    Adena icon.jpg
    Adena x450,000,000
    CoL icon.jpg
    CoL x32

    By clicking on the "Exchange books" line, you will see a window for exchanging your existing books from the monsters of the Arena for a Star crystal piece, which will be needed to create gems for the Brooch.
    • Star crystal piece icon.jpg
      Star crystal piece
    Arena Manager chat 3.jpg
    Arena Manager chat 3 1.jpg

    Types of RB Arena.

    RB with 1 star:

    • Grail Apostle
    • Golem Guardian
    • Jax' Vanguard

    To summon you will need:
    • Book of summoning 1 Star icon.jpg
      Book of summoning 1 Star
    To call the RB Arena with 1 star, click on the corresponding line.
    After clicking, the system will ask: are you sure you want to summon a monster for the summoning book - click the OK button if you agree, or the cancel button if not.

    Arena Manager chat 1 1.jpg
    priziv 1.jpg

    Grail Apostle

    Grail Apostle.jpg
    Grail Apostle drop.jpg

    • Spellbook - Bless of Angel icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Bless of Angel
      • +12% P. Atk
      • +12% M. Atk
    • Spellbook - Wind of Angel icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Wind of Angel
      • +3 Evasion

    Golem Guardian

    Golem Guardian.jpg
    Golem Guardian drop.jpg

    • Spellbook - Over-hit icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Over-hit
      • P.Atk +30%
      • M.Atk +60%

    Jax' Vanguard

    Jax Vanguard.jpg
    Jax Vanguard drop.jpg

    • Spellbook - Boost Morale icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Boost Morale
      • +8 Accuracy
      • +90 Critical Rate
      • +25% Critical Damage

    RB with 2 star:
    • Onyx Beast
    • Doll Blader Doom Wraith
    • Unicorn
    • Lilim Knight
    • Final Form (M)
    • Final Form (W)
    • Native
    • Zombie
    • Ranku
    • Kiyachi
    • Demon Prince

    To summon you will need:
    • Book of summoning 2 Star icon.jpg
      Book of summoning 2 Star
    To call the RB Arena with 2 star, click on the corresponding line.
    After clicking, the system will ask: are you sure you want to summon a monster for the summoning book - click the OK button if you agree, or the cancel button if not.

    Arena Manager chat 1 2.jpg
    priziv 2.jpg

    Onyx Beast

    Onyx Beast.jpg
    Onyx Beast drop.jpg

    • Spellbook - Incredible Evasion icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Incredible Evasion
      • +66 evasion for 15 seconds.

    Doll Blader Doom Wraith

    Doom Wraith.jpg
    Doom Wraith drop.jpg

    • Spellbook - Darkness Drain icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Darkness Drain
      • Blocks 2% physical lifesteal of the attacking character.


    Unicorn drop.jpg

    • Spellbook - Gravity Control icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Gravity Control
      • Uses the horn to decrease speed by 40% and Atk. Spd. by 25% of nearby enemies.

    Lilim Knight

    Lilim Knight.jpg
    Lilim Knight drop.jpg

    • Spellbook - Attack Buster icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Attack Buster
      • +3.3% P. Atk.
      • +6.6% M. Atk.

    Final Form (M)

    Final Form M.jpg
    Final Form M drop.jpg

    • Spellbook - Final Form (Man) icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Final Form [Man]
      • STR +1.

    Final Form (W)

    Final Form W.jpg
    Final Form W drop.jpg

    • Spellbook - Final Form (Woman) icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Final Form [Woman]
      • INT +1.


    Native drop.jpg

    • Spellbook - Native icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Native
      • +15% Max CP.


    Zombie drop.jpg

    • Spellbook - Mutation icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Mutation
      • 2% damage inflicted on the enemy by any skill is restored as HP.


    Ranku drop.jpg

    • Spellbook - Ranku Power icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Ranku Power
      • +3.1% PvP Atk.
    • Spellbook - One-handed Weapon Ranku Master icon.jpg
      Spellbook: One-handed Weapon Ranku Master
      • +5% P/M. Atk when equippment one-handed swords, daggers.


    Kiyachi drop.jpg

    • Spellbook - Dual Weapon Kechi Master icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Dual Weapon Kechi Master
      • +10% P.Atk when equippment duals, fists, two-handed daggers.
    • Spellbook - Kechi Power icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Kechi Power
      • +3.1% PvP Atk.

    Demon Prince

    Demon Prince.jpg
    Demon Prince drop.jpg

    • Spellbook - Devil Defense icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Devil Defense
      • +5% P./M. Def.
      • +30 Resist darkness.

    RB with 3 star:
    • Inferno Drake
    • Dragon Bomber
    • Pixy
    • Buffalo
    • Yeti
    • Pig
    • Rabbit

    To summon you will need:
    • Book of summoning 3 Star icon.jpg
      Book of summoning 3 Star
    To call the RB Arena with 3 star, click on the corresponding line.
    After clicking, the system will ask: are you sure you want to summon a monster for the summoning book - click the OK button if you agree, or the cancel button if not.

    Arena Manager chat 1 3.jpg
    priziv 3.jpg

    Inferno Drake

    Inferno Drake.jpg

    • Spellbook - Fire Armor icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Fire Armor
      • +5% P.Def, M.Def.

    Dragon Bomber

    Dragon Bomber.jpg

    • Spellbook - Sand Cloud icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Sand Cloud
      • Uses blinding sand to decrease nearby enemies' Accuracy by 30 and M.Atk by 50% for 10 sec.



    • Spellbook - Magic Wand icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Magic Wand
      • Blocks 5% of Physical Reflective Damage.



    • Spellbook - Buffalo Horn icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Buffalo Horn
      • Blocks 90% magical lifesteal of the attacking character within 20 seconds.



    • Spellbook - White Wool icon.jpg
      Spellbook: White Wool
      • Wraps the character in white wool and makes them invulnerable for 5 seconds.



    • Spellbook - Pig icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Pig
      • +5% Adena Drop.



    • Spellbook - Rabbit icon.jpg
      Spellbook: Rabbit
      • Creates a Passive Noble Rune. Available 1 time per day.

    In order to exit the Monster Racetrack, use the teleport in the Alt + B community, or exit through the NPC Race Manager by clicking the "Exit" line.

    Race Manager.jpg
    Race Manager chat.jpg

    Video review:

    ~ YuLchick Waifu
    With the help of the Injectors, the character can gain special active and passive abilities.
    At the moment there are 3 types of Injectors, each type is indicated by a special icon and color:

    Icon A Grade
    Icon S Grade
    Icon Epic
    Injection from the bosses:
    • A Grade Injectors - Drop from RB 70-79. Chance 7%.
    • S Grade Injectors - Drop from RB 80+. Chance 7%.
    • Epic Injectors - Drop from Epic RB. Chance 20%.
    In addition to getting skills from Injectors, there is also an opportunity to increase the level of these skills through upgrading Injectors.
    • You can improve the skill in community board -> Skills -> Injectors
    • Requires an item to enhance Icon Formula: Injector.
    • Formula: the injection is mined by analyzing objects to the components.
    • Analysis of objects in comunity board -> Craft -> Parsing items -> Injectors
    Injecters from ordinary bosses:
    • A grade
      • Injector: Phys. Boss Defense A Grade - Physical defense increased by 3%
      • Injector: Mag. Boss Defense A Grade - Magic defense increased by 3%
      • Injector: Phys. Boss Attack A Grade - Physical Attack increased by 3%
      • Injector: Mag. Boss Attack A Grade - Magic Attack increased by 6%
      • Injector: Boss Run Speed A Grade - Run Speed increased by +3
      • Injector: Boss Evasion A Grade - Evasion Increased by by +3.
      • Injector: Boss Accuracy A Grade - Accuracy increased by +3
      • Injector: Boss Ability Power A Grade - Ability Power increased by 3%
      • Injector: Max. HP Boss A Grade - Max HP increased by +1000
      • Injector: Max. MP Boss A Grade - Max MP increased by +1000
      • Injector: Max. CP Boss A Grade - Max CP increased by +1000
    • S grade
      • Injector: Phys. Boss Defense S Grade - Physical defense increased by 5%.
      • Injector: Mag. Boss Defense S Grade - Magic defense increased by 5%
      • Injector: Phys. Boss Attack S Grade - Physical Attack increased by 5%
      • Injector: Mag. Boss Attack S Grade - Magic Attack increased by 10%
      • Injector: Boss Run Speed S Grade - Run Speed increased by +5
      • Injector: Boss Evasion S Grade - Evasion increased by +5
      • Injector: Boss Accuracy S Grade - Accuracy increased by +5
      • Injector: Boss Ability Power S Grade - Ability Power increased by 5%
      • Injector: Max. HP Boss S Grade - Max HP increased by +2000
      • Injector: Max. MP Boss S Grade - Max MP increased by +2000
      • Injector: Max. CP Boss S Grade - Max CP increased by +2000
    Injectors from epic bosses:
    • Zaken
      • Injector: Zaken's Strength - Increases P. Def. Attack by 10%, M. Attack +10%
      • Injector: Vampire - When HP is below 50%, absorb 3% of HP from damage dealt to enemies. If HP is less than 20%, absorb 5% HP from damage dealt to enemies
    • Frintezza
      • Injector: Symphony of protection - increases physical. Magician. Protection by 10%
      • Injector: Frintezza: Demon Form - Demon Transformation. For 1 minute, the character acquires demonic abilities. Run Speed +20%, Significantly increases HP regeneration
      • Injector: Freensteza: Demon attack is the main attack of the demon. Applies 24096 physical damage to the nearest enemies
    • Ant Queen
      • Injector: Critical Damage - Phys. Mage crit. Attack +5%
      • Injector: HP modifier +10% - Increases HP by 10%
      • Injector: Poison Ant Queen - Instantly reduces Speed and consumes HP continuously.
    • Core
      • Injector: physical. Protection +10% - increases physical. Protection by 10%
    • Orfen
      • Injector: Treatment of Orphen - increases the capacity of recovery skills by 10%
      • Injector: Regen Orfena - restores 10,000 hp
    • Baium
      • Injector: Bayum: Lightning charge - increases DEX and Wit by +2
    • Antharas
      • Injector: Skin of Antharas - If HP is above 50%, Wind Attack increases by 30. If HP is less than 50%, Wind Defense increases by 30
      • Injector: Antharas Claw - Antharas Claw attacks nearby enemies with a magic attack. Power 300. Type: Wind.
      • Injector: a blow to the tail of Antaras - inflicts 30150 physical damage to the nearest enemies. With some chance, the enemies may stun
    • Valakas
      • Injector: Valakasa skin - if the HP level above 50% increases the fire attack by 30. With HP less than 50%, fire protection increases by 30
      • Injector: Valakasa Eye - accuracy +5
      • Injector: The claw of Valakasa - the claw of Valakas attacks the closest enemies with a magic attack. Power 300. Type: Fire
    Injectors from newly introduced bosses:
    • Mirra
      • Injector: Mirra - DEX +2
    • Glor
      • Injector: Glor - WIT +1
    • Fallen Angel
      • Injector: Fallen Angel - HP +8%, CP +15%
    • Demon Dorgon
      • Injector: Demon Dorgon - increases Phys. Defense +5.15%, Mag. Defense by +7.11%
    • Demon Zarka
      • Injector: Demon Zarka - increases Phys. Attack +6.5%, Mag. Attack by +13%
    • Demon Kultaan
      • Injector: Demon Kultaan - Spoil +12%
    Armor Sets
    In addition to standard sets with the HF chronicles, we also have new sets, many of which you can wear and learn and memorize in passive skills have been introduced.
    The protection of each item of equipment of new sets is equal to the protection of the same item of equipment of the top HF set - Elegia.

    • Bloody Zubei Armor - crafting in the community board (heavy, light, robe).
    • Akamanah Armor - crafting in the community board, extraction only.
    • Zariche Armor - crafting in the community board, extraction only.
    • Legendary Dynasty - crafting in the community board (heavy, light, robe).
    • Eternal Armor - crafting in the community board (heavy, light, robe).
    • Bloody Eternal Armor - drop entire items of equipment from RB Guillotine of Death and Andreas Van Holter (heavy, light, robe).
    • Stakato Military Armor - crafting in the community board (light).
    • Twilight Armor - crafting in the community board (heavy, light, robe - 2 types of armor when unpacking).
    • Metal Armor - crafting in the community board (heavy).

    Risen Helmets
    Icon Warrior helmet and Icon Mage's Cap is a unique item of equipment, with the maximum improvement of which you will get a good increase in defense and HP of your character.

    With the Helmet of the Warrior and Cap of the Mage, you have the opportunity to replace the helmet of your set and get both the effects of the Helmet / Cap and the effects of the set of your set.

    With an increase in the level of the helmet/cap, new synchronization ranks open:

    • 1 lvl - gives the effects of the kit to any set of a set of rank D.
    • 2 lvl - gives the effects of the kit to any set of ranks D, C.
    • 3 lvl - gives the effects of the kit to any set of ranks D-B.
    • 4 lvl - gives the effects of the kit to any set of ranks D-A.
    • 5-10 lvl - gives the effects of the kit to any set of ranks D-S84.
    Craft and upgrade:
    • Crafts and improvement in Community Board, Craft section -> Helmets.
    • Craft and improvement of helmets requires various resources.
    • Helmets are upgraded by level.
    • There are 10 levels in total.
    • To move to the next level of improvement, the item must be enchanted by +6.
    • You can sharpen a helmet using the item:
      • Icon Scroll: Enchant helmet/cap appropriate level.
    • Icon Scroll: Enchant helmet/cap created for parts of the scrolls of the modification of the armor:
      • Icon Armor Enchant Scroll Fragment D
      • Icon Armor Enchant Scroll Fragment C
      • Icon Armor Enchant Scroll Fragment B
      • Icon Armor Enchant Scroll Fragment A
      • Icon Armor Enchant Scroll Fragment S
    • Part of the modification of the armor can be obtained by analyzing standard armor modification scrolls.
    • Analysis in the community board, section Craft -> Analysis of objects -> Enchant scroll.
    • At some levels of improvement you will need Icon Icon Helmet parts.
    • Icon Icon Parts for level 3-5 helmet/hood.
      • Helmet parts for levels 3-5 can be obtained from NPC Cat Traveler.
      • There are three of them in the world, each will give out 1 piece and an additional autospoil rune for 4 hours.
      • Pieces issued by cats cannot be conveyed.
    • Where to find Cat Traveler?
      • In total, 3 cats walk around the world.
        1. One of the cats loves waterfalls. The cat at the waterfall does not move, it stands at 1 point.
        2. The second cat walks in the vicinity of Dion.
          • Icon
        3. And the third cat walks next to the Dwarf Village.
          • Icon
    • Icon Icon Parts for level 8 helmet/cap.
      • Part of the helmets for level 8 can be obtained with Boros RB.
      • Teleport to the RB in Community Board-> New/Multiverse -> Raid Boss Boros.
      • This multiverse can be accessed by characters with a Helmet/Cap of level 7 or higher.
    • Icon Icon Parts for level 10 of the helmet/cap.
      • Helmet parts for level 10 can be dropped from RBs in the Dragon Valley, summoned through Draconic Vortexes.

    The unique Risen jewelry combines the power of all the epic jewelry in the game, crafting in the community board.
    • Icon Risen ring
    • Icon Risen earring
    • Icon Risen necklace
    Risen jewelry contains many different resources, parts of Risen jewelry and epic jewelry in its composition.

    Icon Risen ring:

    • Ring of Baium
    • Ring of Queen Ant
    • Ring of Core
    • Ring of Beleth
    Icon Risen earring:
    • Earring of Antharas
    • Earring of Zaken
    • Earring of Orfen
    • Baylor’s earring
    Icon Risen necklace:
    • Necklace of Valakas
    • Necklace of Freya
    • Necklace of Frintezza

    Strong Hell jewelry with the possibility of improvement, crafting in the community board.
    • Icon Ring of Hell
    • Icon Earring of Hell
    • Icon Necklace of Hell
    Hell Jewelry Upgrade
    • Total 10 levels.
    • Drop materials for creating objects to improve in a new location - the seed of hellfire.
    • A item to improve jewelry is created in Community Board-> Craft -> Empowerment Stones.
    • A chance to improve = 51%.

    Left Bracelet
    The bracelet of each race is unique and each of them gives a certain increase to the parameters of your character:
    • Icon Orc Bracelet - physical. Attack +5%, magician. Attack +10%.
    • Icon Elf Bracelet - reduces the cooldown of skills by 15%.
    • Icon Human Bracelet - physical, magic defense +5%.
    • Icon Dwarf Bracelet - physical. Crit. Damage +5%, magician. Crit. Damage +10%.
    • Icon Dark Elf Bracelet - protection from receiving physical crit. damage +1%.
    • Icon Kamael Bracelet - HP, CP +5%.
    • Icon Bracelet 6 races - Craft in Community Board.
    Where can I get these bracelets?
    • Bracelets of Orcs, Elves, Humans and Dwarves - Drop from the instances of guards in the city of Giran - Portal of instances.
    • Orc bracelet - drop from RB Orc Tyrant and Orc Overlord.
    • Dark Elf Bracelet - drop from RB Dark Elf (total 3 RB).
    • Kamael Bracelet - drop from RB Kamael (total 3 RB).
    Bracelets can be upgraded with enchantments: Icon Scroll: Enchant Race Bracelet.
    • Drop scrolls of enchantment from guardian instances and racial RBs.
    • Maximum enchanting of the Bracelet +10.
    • When enchanted, the Bracelet will add +1% to its parameter.
    • Total +10% to the bracelet parameter.
    Having gathered Icon Bracelet 6 races you will receive a powerful accessory, combining the power of the parameters of all six left bracelets! 🤩

    Right Bracelet
    • Icon Right Bracelet of Power - gives an increase in physical. attack and CP, only 5 lvl, craft in Community Board.
    • Icon Right Bracelet of Soul - gives an increase to magic. attack and CP, total lvl 5, craft in the community board.
    • Icon Right Bracelet of Absolute - gives an increase to the chance of reflecting negative Effets back to the enemy, HP and CP, only 5 lvl, craft in Community Board.
    • Icon Right Bracelet of Blood - gives an increase to lifesteal from physical. attacks, HP and CP, only lvl 5, crafting in the community board.
    • Icon Right Bracelet of Bravery - gives an increase to physical. mag. protection and CP, only lvl 5, craft in the community board.
    • Icon Right Bracelet of Divine - gives an increase to HP and CP, only 5 lvl, craft in the community board.
    Detailed bracelet characteristics

    BraceletsCharacteristics1 lvl2 lvl3 lvl4 lvl5 lvl
    Icon Right Bracelet of Powerphysical attack/CP(%)8 / 211 / 414 /617 / 820 / 10
    Icon Right Bracelet of Soulmagician attack/CP(%)10 / 214 / 418 / 622 / 826 / 10
    Icon Right Bracelet of Absolutereflection/HP/CP (%)10 / 2 / 215 / 4 / 420 / 6 / 625 / 8 / 830 / 10 / 10
    Icon Right Bracelet of Bloodvampirism/HP/CP (%)3 / 2 / 26 / 4 / 49 / 6 / 612 / 8 / 815 / 10 / 10
    Icon Right Bracelet of Braveryphys. mag. protection/CP (%)8 / 211 / 414 / 617 / 820 / 10
    Icon Right Bracelet of DivineHP/CP (%)10 / 1015 / 1520 / 2025 / 2530 / 30

    • The right bracelet is needed for craft Icon Parts of the Bracelet (1-5 lvl), for each lvl, respectively.
    • Quests for obtaining parts of the bracelet can be taken from the NPC Leon, located near the entrance to the temple in the city of Giran.
    • For each part, you will need to complete different tasks - hunting for monsters and RB, replenishing supplies, transferring parcels, etc.
    • Quests are not saved in the quests tab. You can get all the information only from Leon.
    • It is also possible to acquire parts of the bracelet 1 and 2 lvl for Coin of Luck.

    • Icon Crystal Talisman - lowers equipment rank penalty threshold.
    • Icon Talisman of Elven ruins - gives an increase to WIT, DEX, physical. attack, mag. attack, water damage.
    • Icon Blood talisman - gives an increase to CON, max. HP.
    • Icon Talisman Magmeld - gives an increase to physical. and mage. protection, earth damage.
    • Icon Talisman of Hellfire - reduces the chance of getting a crit. hit; absorbs mage damage; damage caused to the enemy by any skills is restored in the form of HP (lifesteal from skills); fire elemental damage.
    Talismans are inserted into the Right Bracelet, the maximum number of Talismans in the Bracelet is 6.

    Icon Crystal Talisman

    • Reduces the threshold of the fine on the rank of equipment, allowing you to wear it at 10 levels earlier. Only 8 lvl.
    • 8 lvl talisman - 80 levels.
    • Crystal Talisman lvl 1 is issued for the first rebirth.
    • For the next 7 degenerations, you will receive 7 books of improvement of the talisman, one for each rebirth.
    • Improving the talisman through synthesis. A chance to improve 100%.
    • You can buy improvements for Col, but you can’t buy a talisman. The talisman is given out only for the first rebirth.

    Icon Talisman of Elven ruins
    • Gives an increase to WIT, DEX, physical. attack, magician. attack.
    • Increases damage to the elements of water by +5 for each level.
    • Total lvl 9, crafting in the community board, improvement through synthesis.
    • 9 LV Talisman - WIT +5, DEX +5, physical. Attack +9%, magician. Attack +18%, damage to the elements of water +45.

    Icon Blood talisman
    • Gives an increase to Con, Max. HP.
    • Only 15 lvl, craft in Community Board, improvement through synthesis.
    • 15 lvl talisman - Con +4, max. HP +15%.

    Icon Talisman Magmeld
    • Gives an increase in physical. protection, magician. protection.
    • Increases damage to the elements of the Earth by +5 for each level.
    • Total lvl 9, crafting in the community board, improvement through synthesis.
    • 9 lvl talisman - physical. defense + 18%, magic. defense +18%, earth damage +45.

    Icon Talisman of Hellfire
    • Reduces the chance of getting a crit. hit; absorbs mage damage; damage inflicted on the enemy by any skills is restored as HP (lifesteal from skills).
    • Increases damage to the elements of fire by +5 for each level.
    • Total lvl 9, crafting in the community board, improvement through synthesis.
    • 9 lvl talisman - reduces the chance of getting crit. hit by 9%, absorbs 5% magic damage; 5% of the damage dealt to the enemy by any skills is restored as HP, fire damage +45.

    Brooches and Stones
    These are not just beautiful trinkets: they are as powerful as they are beautiful. Their owner can fully customize them to suit the needs and desires of every adventurer. 6 different types of gems can be inserted into brooches, each with their own passive and active skills.

    What is a brooch?
    When a brooch is worn, gems can be inserted into its slots, which will give your character special passive and active skills!
    Brooches are unranked accessories. The brooch cannot be enchanted and can be crafted in the community board.

    When a brooch is worn, gems can be inserted into its slots, which will give your character special passive and active skills!
    Brooches are unranked accessories. The brooch cannot be enchanted and can be crafted in the community board.

    Brooch Lv. 1 - when equipped, you can activate 2 slots for gems. +17 M. protection.
    Brooch Lv. 2 - when equipped, you can activate 3 slots for gems. +43 M. protection.
    Brooch Lv. 3 - when equipped, 4 gem slots are activated. +87 M. protection.
    Brooch Lv. 4 - when equipped, 5 slots for gems are activated. +87 M. protection.
    Brooch Lv. 5 - when equipped, 6 slots for gems are activated. +111 M. protection.

    What are gems

    There are a total of 9 different types of gems that can be added to brooches to gain special passive skills. Each gem has 5 different levels. If two identical gems are equipped, only the effect of one is applied - the one with a higher level.

    Ruby and Sapphire gems have unique passive skills.

    Ruby increases the damage level of Soulshots and Beast Soulshots. Starting at level 3 rubies, the visual effect of soul charges increases, and the color changes to blue (level 3 ruby), yellow (level 4 ruby), or red (level 5 ruby).

    Sapphire increases the damage of Spiritshots and Blessed Spiritshots. Starting with level 3 sapphires, the visual effect of spiritshots/blessed spiritshots increases, and the color changes to blue (level 3 sapphire), yellow (level 4 sapphire), or red (level 5 sapphire) when using a magic skill.



    How to get gems

    Gems can be obtained through crafting in the Community Board.

    Combining stones

    Gems can be upgraded up to level 5 through synthesis. To combine, you need two gems of the same level and type. Click on the synthesis icon at the bottom of the inventory and place the gems. If the merge is successful, the gem level will increase. In case of failure, one of the gems will be destroyed.

    Remember: you can only combine gems of the same type and level. If the merging fails, only one gem will be lost.

    Types of gems


    Level 1 - Increases the damage of Soulshots and Beast Soulshots by 1%.
    Level 2 - Increases the damage of Soulshots and Beast Soulshots by 3.5%.
    Level 3 - Increases the damage of Soulshots and Beast Soulshots by 7.5%. The visual effect of Soulshots and Beast Soulshots will increase and turn blue.
    Level 4 - Increases damage dealt by Soulshots and Beast Soulshots by 12.5%. The visual effect of Soulshots and Beast Soulshots will increase and turn yellow.
    Level 5 - Increases the damage of Soulshots and Beast Soulshots by 15%. The visual effect of Soulshots and Beast Soulshots will increase and turn red.

    Level 1 - Increases the damage of Spiritshots and Blessed Spiritshots by 1%.
    Level 2 - Increases the damage of Spiritshots and Blessed Spiritshots by 3.5%.
    Level 3 - Increases the damage of Spiritshots and Blessed Spiritshots by 7.5%. The visual effect of Spiritshots and Blessed Spiritshots will increase and turn blue.
    Level 4 - Increases Spirit and Blessed Spiritshot damage by 12.5%. The visual effect of Spiritshots and Blessed Spiritshots will increase and turn yellow.
    Level 5 - Increases the damage of Spiritshots and Blessed Spiritshots by 15%. The visual effect of Spiritshots and Blessed Spiritshots will increase and turn red.

    Level 1 - PvP Damage +1%.
    Level 2 - PvP Damage +3%.
    Level 3 - PvP Damage +7%.
    Level 4 - PvP Damage +11%.
    Level 5 - PvP Damage +15%.

    Level 1- Weapon's elemental attack power is increased by 10.
    level 2 - the elemental attack power of the weapon is increased by 20.
    level 3 - the elemental attack power of the weapon is increased by 40.
    level 4 - the elemental attack power of the weapon is increased by 70.
    level 5 - the elemental attack power of the weapon is increased by 120.

    Level 1 - Reduces damage dealt in PvP by 1%.
    Level 2 - Reduces damage dealt in PvP by 3%.
    level 3 - Reduces damage dealt in PvP by 7%.
    Level 4 - Reduces damage dealt in PvP by 11%.
    level 5 - Reduces damage dealt in PvP by 15%.

    Level 1 - P. Def. Def. +2%.
    Level 2 - P. Def. Def. +5%
    Level 3 - P. Def. Def. +9%
    Level 4 - P. Def. Def. +14%
    Level 5 - P. Def. Def. +19%

    Level 1 - CON +1, MEN +1
    Level 2 - STR +1, CON +1, INT +1, MEN +1
    Level 3 - STR +1, DEX +1, CON +1, INT +1, WIT +1, MEN +1
    Level 4 - STR +2, DEX +2, CON +2, INT +2, WIT +2, MEN +2
    Level 5 - STR +3, DEX +3, CON +3, INT +3, WIT +3, MEN +3

    Level 1 – Damage Reflection Resistance +4%.
    Level 2 – Damage Reflection Resistance +8%.
    Level 3 – Damage Reflection Resistance +12%.
    Level 4 – Damage Reflection Resistance +16%.
    Level 5 – Damage Reflection Resistance +20%.

    Level 1 - M. Def. +1%, damage taken from M. Critical Atk. -2%
    Level 2 - M. Def. +3%, damage taken from M. Critical Atk -4%
    Level 3 - M. Def +5%, damage taken from M. Critical Atk. -6%
    Level 4 - M. Def. +8% ,damage taken from M. Critical Atk. -8%
    Level 5 - M. Def. +11%, damage taken from M. Critical Atk. 10%
    Ice weapons
    Weapons were introduced, more affordable for mining, similar to the attack of top -arrangement - Ice weapons.
    • You can create Ice Weapons in the Community Board -> Craft -> Weapons.
    • The main material for creating weapons is Icon Ice Core.
    • Recipes are also required for each weapon.
    • You can assemble materials from the Frozen Labyrinth location with monsters of level 85. Teleport is available in Community Board -> New/Multivers.
    • You can buy recipes from NPC Jinia for Icon Ice Core.
    • NPC Jinia is located at the entrance to the instance to RB Freya.
    Weapon stats and unseal.
    • Indicators of physical and magical attack are equal to the top S84 weapons
    • Additionally increase +60 water attribute, +10% HP.
    • The weapons are D grade.
    • After the creation of weapons, it is in a sealed form.
    • To remove the seal, just right-click on the item.
    • After removing the seal, you will receive the corresponding weapon with a random characteristic.
    Random characteristics.
    • When removing the seal, the weapon is assigned 1 random characteristic.
    • Warrior weapons: from +1 to +3 to STR or DEX
    • Magic weapons: from +1 to +3 to INT or WIT
    • You can not install SA in ice weapons, but you can put LS.

    Materials and resources
    • Icon Mutagen - drop from mutant monsters of any grade.
    • Icon Raid Boss Blood Clot - drop from all RB.
    • Icon Ether - drop from all monsters with a chance of 1-2%.
    • Icon Epic Boss Energy - drop from epic bosses located in the open world and from Freya, Zaken, Antaras, Valakas, Baium instances.
    • Icon Dynasty Soul - drop in location Mithril Mines.
    • Icon Armor piece - drop in location Abandoned Village.
    • Icon Crafting Solvent - craft in community board.
    • Icon Ertel - craft in community board.
    • Icon Hardened Steel - craft in community board.
    • Icon Pieces of Risen Jewelry - drop in location Hell Catacombs (Multiverse).